Domain Name Ownership Risk Avoidance
Buying domain names should be simple. Because it is easy.
Sadly this is not the case. Domain Name Ownership problems are a regular headache for website owners.
The Helpful People
The problems start when other people have been involved in the process to “Try to help”. Some have incorrectly told a website owner that “I can sort those domain names out for you” by an overly helpful “website person” who then registers your domain names in their own private account with the registrar.
Why is that a problem?
This leaves you with no access to your domain names, no control over them and all to often, no ownership as the helpful person uses their details to register your names.
Thanks to GDPR, public ownership records are no longer visible by default. However, a genuine registrar CAN make those records publicly visible. This is not something any reseller or website person can do.
The incorrect Registration Path
This happens when others get involved in registering your domain names, often claiming it’s “to help you out”.
Sadly, the most common reason is they want to retain control over your online presence.
This Hides the actual costs and makes things seem complicated. Furthermore, it creates fear and puts people off moving. So they pay up!
We get calls weekly from people stuck in this situation.
So who is doing this?
It’s done by rogue website people, calling themselves “Web Designers” or, even worse, “Web Developers” or an “Agency”.
These people process your domain registrations through their accounts. This prevents you from accessing them directly and convincing you that they manage it for you on your behalf.
The Registrant (You)
This is you, the owner of the domain name. You pay for it, directly to the registrar (Us).
Web Designer or Agency (Them)
This is the web designer who is “helping you out” under the claims that everything is complicated and you risk breaking everything if you have access to it.
The Registrar (Us)
This is us, the accredited registrar, we administer the domain name registrations, process payments and ensure the domains are setup correctly and manage their DNS records.
The Registry (Nominet)
This is Nominet, for UK domains, the governing body overseeing the registrars and keeping secure records of every single domain name registered, and who it’s registered to.
The Correct Registration Path
When you buy a domain name, only three people should be involved. Always pay the registrar directly to ensure that you have ownership and control over your domain names.
The three people involved are as follows, in this order.
The Registrant (You)
This is you, the owner of the domain name. You pay for it, directly to the registrar (Us).
The Registrar (Us)
This is us, the accredited registrar, we administer the domain name registrations, process payments and ensure the domains are setup correctly and manage their DNS records.
The Registry (Nominet)
This is Nominet, for UK domains, the governing body overseeing the registrars and keeping secure records of every single domain name registered, and who it’s registered to.
But what if you really do need help?
Any good domain registrar and service provider like us can help guide you with buying domain names. Because it’s a quick and simple process.
You do not need a third party to help with your registration.
If you need help to buy your domain names directly then please contact us directly. This will put your names in an account of your own, ensuring everything is in your name.